Post-133: Eighty Essays

PictureBy Paul Consella; Stolen from here

My “final grand push” succeeded. All 75 essays in my stack of last night are now corrected, commented, posted online, photocopied and given to the students. I slept two hours.

Naturally, I was glad to have that out of the way. This calls for a “Phew!, right? I knew I’d still have to knock out a few more stragglers, but only a few.

Imagine my astonishment when I checked the website again today. Many new essay submissions! The fresh to-do-pile now stands tall at….eighty.

I was once in fifth grade. We read a fantasy story, parts of which have stuck with me ever since. At one point, the characters are given “subtraction stew” to eat. The more you eat, the hungrier you get. This reminds me a lot of that.