I have decided to translate one of Yun Dong-Ju’s poems called Self-Portrait, though I might prefer to translate the title also as Portrait of the Artist. It was written in 1939 and was included by the author in a collection he published with limited circulation in 1941. The collection was republished in 1948 following the author’s death and the deceased Yun Dong-Ju became a kind of poet folk hero, it seems.
The below is my own translation. I increasingly find Korean poetry beautiful for its disciplined use of language and layers of implied meanings, but this also makes it a real challenge to translate smoothly.
Self Portrait has an air of mystery to it. Two characters. Thick symbolism. In reading it, many questions come up. This is a self-portrait, is it? Which character is the author? Both? I suppose that is up to us to decide…
Yun Dongju [1917-1945] / Poet
[Translated by Me, April 2016]
On my solitary way down from a rocky outcropping,
I seek out a secluded well for a little peek inside.
Inside the well: A bright moon, drifting clouds,
a spread-out sky. A blue breeze blows. It is autumn.
There is also this strapping young lad.
For reasons unclear to me, I feel that I hate this lad.
I turn away to leave and proceed on my way.
Presently, I begin to take pity on the lad.
I go back for another look.
There he is again, still there, just as before.
Again I feel that I hate this lad, and again I take my leave.
Walking away, I come to realize something. I yearn for the lad.
Inside the well: A bright moon, drifting clouds,
a spread-out sky. A blue breeze blows. It is autumn.
As from the recesses of fond memory, there is, also, this lad.
Original Korean:
자화상 산모퉁이를 돌아 논가 외딴 우물을 우물 속에는 달이 밝고 구름이 흐르고 그리고 한 사나이가 있습니다. 다시 그 사나이가 미워져 돌아갑니다. 우물 속에는 달이 밝고 구름이 흐르고 |
Love it… Your translation is always careful and thoughtful.
Thank you for reading and for your kind praise, mojimong.
Most beloved poet of South Koreans…like me!
How many poems did he wrote?
I love this poem! So honest and makes you think about yourself.