Post-63: Three Weeks of Spring

The temperature in Seoul broke the 30 Celsius threshold (86 F) on May 23rd. Way back in post-34 (“Two Weeks of Spring”) I repeated a joke about Korea: “Spring here is great. Those are really two of the nicest weeks you’ll ever see”.

It was early May when “spring weather” began (by which I mean temperatures reliably in the comfortable “10 to Low-20s” Celsius range [50s-70s Fahrenheit]). Consequently, that “two weeks of spring” joke may not be off by much, after all. The ten-day forecast calls for temperatures in the high-20s [80s F] most every day.

A screenshot of the temperatures in Celsius this month so far:


Screenshot from of Seoul observed temperatures for May 2013.

Incidentally, my father once explained to me an easy way to figure out Celsius:
0 is Cold
10 is Cool
20 is Warm
30 is Hot