Post-278: Marxists to Lead a Government in Europe Again

It’s Greece.

For the record, that was a long run of 25 years (1990-2014) of no Marxist governments in Europe.

The self-described “radical left” Syriza party (Syriza is a Greek acronym for “Coalition of the Radical Left“) got 36.3% of vote in Greece January 2015, which was first place. The Greek system gives an extra fifty seats to the party in first place (an interesting idea, though I’m not sure a good one) which gives them 149 seats of 300, two seats from a majority. They’ll bring in some minor partner and will govern Greece. Their leader, Tsipras, is already sworn in.

If the new government refuses outright to continue to pay Greece’s substantial debt to the (capitalist) foreign banks, as they probably will, they may be expelled from the EU, like Malaysia expelled Singapore in 1965.

Then what?



Greece has lost something like 30% of its economy in the past decade to endless economic contraction; unemployment exceeds 25%; economic depression conditions.

This as: (1) an actual shooting war is going on in Europe (Ukraine), and (2) as a  low-level Islamic insurgency festers in the rich EU core, an insurgency mostly not organized (but insurgencies need not be)….